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PROPAGANDA FAIL: 5 of 6 Syrian Hospitals Allegedly Hit by Russian Airstrikes Don’t Exist

21st Century Wire says…

Some basic fact checking would have saved the Western media from this embarrassment.

Watch a video of this report here:

The Russian Defence Ministry has openly attacked claims launched by Western mainstream media outlets that their mission in Syria has been targeting hospitals and civilians.

Major General Konoshenkov said this:

I would like to remind you that a week ago several leading Western media outlets citing the US-based Syrian American Medical Society accused us of allegedly bombing hospitals in  al-Ees, al-Hader, Khan Tuman, Sarmin, Latamna and al-Zirba.

All these reports were made without any proof…

We investigated this information. It turned out, in fact, that there is a hospital only in the settlement of Sarmin. There are no hospitals in al-Ees, al-Hader, Khan Tuman, Latamna and al-Zirba, and, consequently, there are no healthcare workers.

The Ministry even provided photographs of the hospital in Sarmin, clearly showing that it had not been destroyed:

That’s the hospital – still standing. (Photo Credit: Russian Defence Ministry)

The Western media’s attacks can be seen as a pathetic response to the embarrassment that Russia has caused the West since the beginning of its air campaign in Syria; which is taking place legally, at the request of the sovereign, Syrian government.

In just one month, Putin’s mission has accomplished far more than the Western coalition managed in over a year, which calls into question Washington’s true motives in the region.

MORE ON RUSSIA’S INTERVENTION: 21st Century Wire Syria Files



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