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Lavrov on ‘Insignificant’ US Airstrikes: ‘Maybe their stated goal is not entirely sincere?’

21st Century Wire says…

Many would contend that ‘sincerity’ has long been absent from the vocabulary of US foreign policy makers.

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Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has raised questions about the goals of the United States in Syria.

Responding to a question about the US mission, Lavrov saidWe have very few specifics which could explain what the US is exactly doing in Syria and why the results of so many combat sorties are so insignificant,”

“With, as far as I know, 25,000 sorties [from the US-led air campaign] they could have smashed the entire country of Syria into smithereens.

Lavrov pondered why the US strikes have been so ‘insignificant’ and asked: “Maybe their stated goal is not entirely sincere? Maybe it is regime change?

Putin and Lavrov are unafraid to speak the truth. (Photo Credit: Russian Presidential Office)

Speaking of the widely reported success of the Russian campaign, Lavrov added:

It is probably not very nice for them to see how effectively our military is working compared to the more than a year-long operations of the coalition created by the United States of America, which has carried out, in my estimates, about 60,000 sorties, half of which were supposed to be fighting missions, yet the positive results ‘on the ground’ are not visible.”

The Russian FM also took the time to express disquiet about the continuation of a supply of munitions, from the US, to supposedly ‘moderate’ rebels in Syria, saying: “I want to be honest, we barely have any doubt that at least a considerable part of these weapons will fall into the terrorists’ hands.”

He also left a warning for Western hawks to think about: “We do not want the events, when some countries not only cooperated with terrorists but plainly relied on them, to happen again.

Will the West heed this warning, or continue to march towards a confrontation with Russia?

READ MORE ON THE SYRIAN CRISIS: 21st Century Wire Syria Files



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