SEE ALSO: A Brief Guide to Western Media Propaganda For Syria
Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire
In the wake of Russia’s airstrikes on ISIS and al Nusra targets in Syria, there appears to be a plot to frame Russia with a very sketchy FBI sting operation carried out in Moldova.
Is the FBI’s creative crime-stopping, entrapment road show finally going international?
‘THEATRICAL BUST?’ – Was the black market nuke sting a frame job by Western intelligence operators working in unison with Moldova authorities? Here we see KGB informant Teodor Chetrus getting arrested for his apparent role in the scheme. (Photo Business Insider)
Uncovering a Plot
Western media has been salivating over the latest story coming out of Moldova via the Associated Press, as an apparent smuggler was arrested after an elaborate FBI sting operation spanning five years was ‘finally’ revealed. But make no mistake, it’s no coincidence that this timely story suddenly hit the headlines 72-96 hours after Russia’s dominant airstrike campaign began eliminating ISIS targets inside of Syria.
Firstly, readers should understand that Moldova is a functioning Mafia State – one of the most corrupt nations on the planet. According the, Moldova is currently ranked 3rd among Eastern European countries alongside Mafia playgrounds like Kosovo – an elite club of corrupt nations for sure.
The seemingly trumped-up case, connecting a “KGB informant” in the suspected sale of radioactive material to potential Middle Eastern buyers, is nothing more than a thinly veiled plot that stinks of Western think-tank deception – further exposing the ethos and branding of the West’s new cold war against Russia.
In fact, this heavily propagandized sting operation, appears to have everything to do with the dispatched ruins of ISIS strongholds within Syria’s borders. And there’s no doubt that Russia’s rise to the occasion in Syria, has signaled a geopolitical shock wave felt by Western allies, as they scramble to reassemble what’s left of their failed proxy strategy in the Middle East.
Here’s the dramatic bust of Teodor Chetrus an operational informant who is already set receive five years for his role in the smuggling plot. Doesn’t Chetrus’ informant status prove that the FBI was working all sides of this story – decide for yourself?
Below are several passages from the ‘viral’ AP story, which comes as the latest in a growing propaganda war perpetuated Western interests – aimed squarely at discrediting Russia. The AP report created a cinematic atmosphere for Western eyes only, particularly those in the US:
“Over the pulsating beat at an exclusive nightclub, the arms smuggler made his pitch to a client: 2.5 million euros for enough radioactive cesium to contaminate several city blocks.”
‘Secret Meeting’ – a popular night spot Cocos Privé was the apparent backdrop for the sting operation. (Photo AP/Business Insider)
Continuing, the report outlined a previously unknown back story loosely claiming that there was a gang with Russian ties that was seeking to make a sale on the black market with an extremist element. Something of which doesn’t make much sense, considering Russia is actively engaging in eradicating ISIS militants and other extremists in Syria as we speak:
“The previously unpublicized case is one of at least four attempts in five years in which criminal networks with suspected Russian ties sought to sell radioactive material to extremists through Moldova, an investigation by The Associated Press has found. One investigation uncovered an attempt to sell bomb-grade uranium to a real buyer from the Middle East, the first known case of its kind.”
“The sting operations involved a partnership between the FBI and a small group of Moldovan investigators, who over five years went from near total ignorance of the black market to wrapping up four sting operations. Informants and police posing as connected gangsters penetrated the smuggling networks, using old-fashioned undercover tactics as well as high-tech gear from radiation detectors to clothing threaded with recording devices.”
Was the FBI playing both sides of each sting deal in order to entrap low-level informants for a larger agenda?
The article also described the highly orchestrated affair – suspecting that in at least one case, from August of 2010 – radioactive material may have been rather incredulously, acquired from a Chernobyl reactor in the Ukraine according to files from former Moldova police investigator Constantin Malic:
“The informant, an aging businessman, casually mentioned to [Constantin] Malic that over the years, contacts had periodically offered him radioactive material.
“Have you ever heard of uranium?” he asked Malic.
Malic was so new to the nuclear racket that he didn’t know what uranium was, and had to look it up on Google. He was horrified — “not just for one country,” he said, “but for humanity.”
“Soon after, the informant received an offer for uranium. At about that time, the U.S. government was starting a program to train Moldovan police in countering the nuclear black market, part of a global multi-million dollar effort.”
The AP then stated that the ‘ringleaders and ‘kingpins’ regarding this Hollywood-like plot, had “insulated themselves through a complex network of middlemen who negotiated with buyers in order to shield the bosses from arrest.”
What a coincidence…
Below is a passage from a recent article published at ZeroHedge, that also outlines the highly deceptive and convenient ‘Western’ narrative echoed by the AP and others regarding the Moldova nuke sting:
“The point is that like all things ISIS, the story plays into the “sum of all fears” narrative that’s been fed to public via Western media outlets. That is, if ISIS is the greatest threat to human decency since the Reich, then a nuclear ISIS is the worst outcome imaginable.
Of course the other story the Western media wants you to believe is that just under “a nuclear ISIS” on the biggest threats list one can find “resurgent Russia”, and the attendant Russophobia that contention has engendered is proof that the Western media spin machine is still plenty effective.
But as we’ve been keen to document, the US has simply run out of ways to explain what’s going on in the Mid-East and so Washington has simply resorted to scare tactics (i.e. “although this makes completely no sense, the Russians are actually going to end up creating more terrorism by eradicating terrorism”) while Riyadh has just gone full-sectarian-crazy as clerics are now calling for a Sunni jihad against the Russian army in a kind of engineered Soviet-Afghan redux.”
According to authorities, “a group led by a shadowy Russian named Alexandr Agheenco, “The Colonel,” who is presumed to have former KGB connections, is still at large
‘The FBI’s Inside Man’ – Constantin Malic received an FBI award for his role in the Chisinau, Moldova sting. (Photo SMH)
Over the years, there have been many spurious activities associated with FBI sting operations. Most notably perhaps, the FBI “Newburgh Four” sting operation which appeared to be a foiled plot involving a collection of dupes and men interested in financial gain not terror.
The NY Post recently published the following regarding the Newburgh case:
“The foiled terror plot was trumpeted as a “textbook example of how a major investigation should be conducted” by then-Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.
But Mike German, a former FBI agent not involved in the case, told the filmmakers the sting turned the men into people they were not.
“Were they the best people in society? No,” he said. “But they weren’t terrorists, and this government operation over the course of the year was specifically designed to turn them into terrorists.”
Trumped-up Threats From the West
Back in May, here at 21WIRE, we published an article entitled “MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA: ISIS ‘Nuclear Threat’ Echoed by Deceptive Hostage John Cantlie,” and within the article’s contents, we outlined what can only be described as a desperate attempt by Western media outlets to conjure up an unsubstantiated ISIS nuclear threat coming out of the Middle East.
In other words, the cooked up Cantlie propaganda embraced by the West several months ago, set the stage for the highly suspicious Moldova FBI sting operation that apparently uncovered the prospective sale of nuclear material on the black market.
Cheerful Captive’ – John Cantlie reports from inside Aleppo while being held hostage. ( Photo link
British journalist John Cantlie, is said to have been held captive by ISIS since 2012. And recently, he turned up pushing ISIS propaganda as a published writer for the group’s stylized online terror magazine Dabiq.
In Cantlie’s piece entitled “The Perfect Storm,” he appeared as a writer for the terror group ISIS, outlining a hypothetical scenario that the United States is in danger of a major attack within a year, claiming militants could smuggle in catastrophic nuclear material via the Mexican border. Amazingly, this propaganda line conveniently reinforced recent fake planted news stories circulating through the US media about a mythological ‘ISIS training camp’ south of the Texas-Mexico border.
Back in February, 21WIRE reported how Cantlie’s video message ‘From Inside Aleppo‘ was part of an elaborate PR effort to ‘humanize’ ISIS and its future generation of fighters. The decidedly pro-ISIS video was heavily promoted by the intelligence group SITE as well as the ISIS media arm, Al Hayat Media Center.
Mainstream pundits and broadcast journalists still maintain that ‘Cantlie’ is under duress and has been forced into operating as a crack reporter for ISIS. The narrative borders on the ridiculous, yet it is accepted without question.
However, Cantlie’s prominent role in the YouTube video series “Lend Me Your Ears,” has prompted some in alternative media to question the British journo and suspect he may be a stage-manged persona, along with his links to USAID connected reporter, James Foley – one of the as of yet, forensically unproven deaths at the hands of the estranged terror persona ‘Jihadi John‘.
It should also be noted how the FBI have a long record of inventing terror plots which are then used by western media outlets to promote the public terror theater, including but not limited to ‘would be suicide bomber on his way to Washington DC, a plot to bomb synagogues in New Jersey, a stinger missile-airliner plot, and a toy drone explosives plot against the Pentagon – all contrived through FBI cointel pro operations in the US. Said one expert:
“… all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested.” (see full report here)
Normally, this subject area is very much off limits for US media, at least until after the popular narrative has been established by the media and the initial hype surrounding an attack has died down. Unfortunately for the public, due to ‘national security’ – important details of confidential informants normally responsible for routine entrapment always remain classified.
The AP story comes on the heels of Russia deploying its Spetsnaz troops to root out extremists in Syria. According to the UK’s Express, “It is believed that ISIS has already suffered crushing losses due to airstrikes and defections, with a leading terror expert telling that they are now so weakened they could be defeated in a matter of hours.”
Wouldn’t that be an interesting development…
SEE ALSO: ISIS ON THE RUN: Russian Airstrikes Obliterate Terrorist Forces
READ MORE ON SYRIA & RUSSIA: 21st Century Wire Syria Files