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Henningsen on CrossTalk: ‘Washington is Running Operation Cyclone 2.0 in Syria’

21st Century Wire says…

This is potentially one of the biggest geopolitical shifts in 50 years. The West’s tired “Assad must go” narrative is wearing thinner by the hour, and Washington has descended into a panic over the very real prospect of Damascus taking back control their country. It certainly looks like a 2.0 version of Operation Cyclone.

CrossTalk asks: This Russia has made good on its commitment to start fighting ISIS/ISIL in Syria from the air. Russia is also establishing a coalition to protect the legal government in Damascus. This has caused an uproar in Washington. Can the Kremlin and the White House fight terrorists in tandem?

Host Peter Lavelle is CrossTalking with 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen, Heritage Foundation VP James Carafano, and Lebanese journalist Marwa Osman

READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files



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