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Fox News Anchor Harris Faulkner Sues Hasbro Over Toy Hamster With Her Name

21st Century Wire says…

What happens when a TV personality gives birth to a toy Hamster?

1-Harris-Faulkner-Hamster-2Just ask FOX News female anchor Harris Faulkner (photo, left) who has now declared war on this sweet little toy rodent.

According to Faulkner’s attorneys, she believes that the hamster is both “demeaning and insulting” to her.

She’s going all-out to defeat this adorable children’s toy. Aside from clearing her ‘tarnished reputation’ (which is sort of an oxymoron if you work for FOX News), the ‘Foxified’ news model will be looking for her second retirement package – seeking $5 million in damages and attorney fees – plus any profits made on the toy.

This is about as excited as you’ll see any FOX News pundit get on any issue, outside of their hour slots…

Yahoo! News

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — An anchor for Fox News is suing Hasbro for more than $5 million over a toy hamster that shares her name — and possibly even her resemblance.

Harris Faulkner sued Hasbro this week over its plastic Harris Faulkner hamster, sold as part of the Pawtucket, Rhode Island-based company’s popular Littlest Pet Shop line. She says the toy wrongfully appropriates her name and persona, harms her professional credibility as a journalist and is an insult.

“Hasbro’s portrayal of Faulkner as a rodent is demeaning and insulting,” says the lawsuit, which was filed Monday in U.S. District Court in New Jersey.

Faulkner has been at Fox News for a decade. She hosts the daytime show “Outnumbered” and anchors a Sunday evening newscast.

Her lawsuit says that in addition to sharing her name, the toy bears a physical resemblance to Faulkner’s traditional professional appearance, including its complexion, eye shape and eye makeup design.

The Harris Faulkner toy was introduced in 2014, according to the lawsuit, and was sold in a package as the pet hamster of a terrier named Benson Detwyler. Other toys in the popular line include animals named Pancakes Watkins, Puffball Petrovsky and Pepper Clark…

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