21st Century Wire says…
This week saw the 70 year Anniversary of the US dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan at the end of WWII. It was one of the deadliest, if not the deadliest event ever in human history.
It’s the sugar-coating that makes that ugly pill easier to swallow: “We had to drop the bombs, otherwise Japan would never have surrendered…”, but is it really true?
We only have to consider the words of the US president Dwight D. Eisenhower, who later lamented about, “… my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary…”.
Regardless, it’s still one of many popular American myths taught in American schools in order help make light of the top two single largest slaughters in human history. Violence on a grand scale.
In 2015, more people, including Americans, are finally summoning up the courage to question President Harry Truman’s decision to unleash the A-bombs which ravaged so many innocents…
RT notes: ‘Japan’s marking a tragic anniversary today – 70 years ago an atomic bomb was dropped by US forces on Hiroshima. Tens of thousands attended a solemn ceremony in the city’s Peace Park near the epicentre of the attack and observed a minute’s silence. The bombing of Hiroshima and then of Nagasaki led Japan to surrender in WWII, but it cost tens of thousands of lives.”
Incredibly, for some patriotists, the A-bomb is a source of nationalist pride. RT’s Gayane Chichakyan captures some shocking vox pops on the streets of Washington DC last week…
Thankfully, the woeful ignorance of those in the news segment above is not necessarily borne out in the polls…
Poll: More Americans, Japanese looking back at the #Hiroshima, #Nagasaki bombings as unjustifiable. pic.twitter.com/t1gWkbR1j1
— Alejandro Alvarez (@aletweetsnews) August 5, 2015
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