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More Racist Google Maps Results Discovered This Week

21st Century Wire says…

As we reported earlier this week, the disturbing trend of “third party digital vandalism” has seen Google Maps being overrun with a number of racist and otherwise unpleasant pranks.

After further research by The Switch, other examples have since turned up – more evidence of America’s declining culture perpetrated by those who seek to ruin the internet…

(Google Maps)

(Image from Google Maps)

The Switch

If you search for the N-word on Google Maps, you get the White House.

You also get Howard University, a historically black institution, and the Capitol building.

Discovered by users, these are the latest in a string of racist search results involving a highly charged slur for African-Americans. If you start off with Google Maps zoomed into Washington, D.C., searches for “f*** n******” points you to the U.S. Capitol.

Meanwhile, recent Howard grad Bomani X said Wednesday that searches for “n***** university” on Google Maps redirects to Howard.

The N-word isn’t the only epithet that produces Google results. A reader pointed out to us that “c**n house” will redirect to the White House, as well.

This all began on Tuesday, when readers noticed that searching for “n***** king” led to the White House — an apparent insult against President Obama.

What happens when you perform a nasty search on Google Maps.

(…) The errors are likely the result of other users submitting changes to Google Maps…

Read more from The Switch

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