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Stuck on Stupid: California Governor Thinks Drought Caused By ‘Global Warming’

21st Century Wire says…

The blog post by Steven Goddard featured below was posted last summer, but we thought it really illustrates the important point of how our political leaders are able jump from one bandwagon to the next in order to suit their own favored popular ideological construction and collectivist movements.

Recently, California’s Governor Jerry Brown has said that the state’s chronic drought proves that “climate change is not a hoax.” 

If you believe that man-made global warming – or its catch-all Siamese twin term ‘climate change’ – is causing the latest California Drought, then like a church parishioner – you are a true believer whose mind may not be changed on the issue.

“The so-called intelligentsia will seize on anything they can to propel themselves into the limelight, kiss-up to those in power, and propose so-called solutions that surprise, surprise require us plebeians to give up all rights, privileges, and freedom to save-the-world.” Gregole (a wise philosopher)

If, on the other hand, you have an open mind and believe in the real principles of science, inquiry and discovery – then you might want to read on…

CLIMATE CHANGE! California Governor Jerry Brown thinks that the drought is down to global warming.

Jerry Brown’s 1977 Global Cooling BS, Recycled As Jerry Brown’s 2014 Global Warming BS

Steven Goddard

In 1977, Governor Brown warned that California was facing an unprecedented drought, blamed at the time on ‘global cooling’…


This year [2014-2015], Governor Brown warned that California faces an unprecedented drought caused by global warming

Trenberth says that 2014 freak lightning and fires in California are caused by global warming:

“On the West Coast,” Trenberth said, “you don’t have the complex vertical structure and wind shear typically associated with lightning storms.”

“But a changing climate may alter those weather patterns, making such “freak” occurrences more common. California’s historic drought, for example, has the potential to set up conditions for extreme weather.  “With the drought, the contrast between the ocean and land is much greater than it otherwise would be,” said Trenberth. “It’s those contrasts that can help set up circulation and make the weather a little bit more vigorous than it otherwise would be.

Lightning at Venice Beach? California faces really weird – and deadly — The Daily Climate

In 1977, experts said that freak lightning storms and fires in California were caused by global cooling.


This year, Jet Stream dips are blamed on global warming. They make Alaska warm, California dry and Florida cold:


Is global warming causing extreme weather via jet stream waves? | John Abraham – The Guardian

In 1977, Jet Stream dips were blamed on global cooling. They made Alaska warm, California dry and Florida cold.

The Lewiston Journal – Google News Archive Search


It is amazing how left wing politicians can recycle the same garbage from one generation to the next, by simply switching one word cooling => warming.

Jerry Jr. will probably have to switch back to the ‘global cooling’ scam, now that his father has gone AC/DC on climate.

READ MORE CLIMATE CHANGE TRUTH AT: 21st Century Wire Climate Files



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