21st Century Wire says…
This chronic social condition afflicting the Indian Reservations in this area is not new.
In 2007, a major US media outlet released a disturbing report detailing the suicide epidemic at the Rosebud Indian Reservation which neighbors the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. It explained:
“American Indian and Alaska Native youth 15 to 24 years old are committing suicide at a rate more than three times the national average for their age group of 13 per 100,000 people, according to the surgeon general.”
It went on to note that the suicide rate among Indian youths is ten times the national average.
So what’s causing this spike?
It’s becoming a generational crisis, one which is threatening the very future survival of a people…
(Image Source: Matthew Williams Photography)
The same report also noted the details of multiple suicide cases, including men, women, children, and parents – showing a disturbing pattern that goes far beyond any anomaly – so much so that Oglala Sioux tribe president, John Yellow Bird Steele, declared an ‘state of emergency’ on the reservation.

John Yellow Bird Steele, the Oglala Sioux tribe president, pictured here with former AG Eric Holder, declared an emergency on the reservation in February.
To date, many more youths on the reservation have both succeeded, and failed, in killing themselves – according to the federal Indian Health Service…
Continue this story here
Also, watch this 2010 news report about suicide on Pine Ridge by RT America:
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