21st Century Wire says…
The race to the bottom continues in the US 2016 Presidential Election, as Wisconsin’s Gov. Scott Walker (R) pledges to reverse any international agreement on Iran if he is ever elected.
Some might think that Walker’s polarizing stance on this issue is just a case of pandering to hard right voters, but not all that’s at play here. The other reason is much more fundamental. In a word: money. Specifically, campaign money from the Israel Lobby and John Bolton’s neoconservative pro-war Super PAC.
IMAGE: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker acts the debutant, but plays the hawk at the Republican Jewish Coalition.
As 21WIRE reported recently, the man who fronted Israel’s PR stunt designed to derail the recent international nuclear negotiation for Iran, US Senator from Arkansas, Tom Cotton (R), had already received some $4.5 million in Israel-related campaign contributions – a financial windfall which all but guarantees he remains an agent of Tel Aviv’s foreign policy agenda.
Scott Walker, along with nearly every other GOP candidate, will be looking for that sum and more, as each candidate works to amass enough donation money to run a national campaign going into next year’s primaries.
The fundraising starts now…
After saying that the most significant foreign policy decision in his lifetime was Reagan firing the air traffic controllers, Scott Walker is struggling to establish some foreign policy cred.
This is not going to help. He says he’d strike down any deal with Iran on his first day in office.
“Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) said Wednesday that if he’s elected president, on his first day in office he’d reject any deal the White House strikes with Iran over its nuclear program if it continues to allow the country to enrich uranium.
In an interview on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, the host asked Walker whether he would “disown” any agreement between the U.S. and Iran that allows for uranium enrichment if he wins the presidency in 2016.
“Absolutely,” Walker said. “On Day 1.”
“The concept of a nuclear Iran is not only problematic for Iran, and certainly for Israel, but it opens the doors,” Walker continued. “I mean, the Saudis are next. You’re going to have plenty of others in the region … going to want to have a nuclear weapon if the Iranians have a nuclear weapon.”
So let’s say they reach an agreement soon and Walker wins in 2016. He comes into office in 2017 and he won’t look at the nature of the agreement (he has no idea what will be in it now), he won’t ask the CIA to assess whether the deal is working, he’ll just rescind it on day one. That’s pretty much the last kind of person I want in the White House, a guy who decides ahead of time what he’s going to do without any consideration of the facts.
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