21st Century Wire says…
Backwards militant ISIS clerics in Syria are on the rampage again. This time it’s a war on the countries millions of young ‘hipsters’.
Only a few months ago, we heard the story of the ‘Jihadi hipster’ – the new and young urban chique face of ISIS – Islam Yaken, tweeting to the world from Syria.
It seems as though ISIS is currently having a rethink about the viability hipster fashion trends in their ‘Islamic State’…
HIPSTERS NOT WELCOME: No handle bar mustaches and drain-pipe jeans in northern Syria.
ISIS bans skinny jeans, cigarettes, cellphone, music groups
Chris Perez
NY Post
ISIS is cracking down on hipsters in Syria.
The Islamic State terror group has imposed a new law in their stronghold of Raqqa that prohibits young men from wearing skinny jeans, smoking cigarettes and jamming music on cellphones.
Informants living in the Syrian city tell the anti-ISIS campaign group Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently that militants have been throwing civilians behind bars for 10 days at a time if they refuse to comply with the new rules.
While imprisoned, violators will be forced to take an “Islamic course” — and once their sentence ends, they are required to take an exam assessing what they learned.
Those who pass the test are released immediately. Anyone who fails must pay a fine and stay imprisoned until they pass…
Continue this story at NY Post
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