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Giant Exoplanet HR 8799b: 129 Light Years Away Has Water in Atmosphere

21st Century Wire says…

Here’s another story on the vast potential for discovery in our universe.

HR 8799b orbits the star HR 8799, which is located in the constellation of Pegasus some 129 light-years away from Earth. The star is around one and half times the size of our sun and about five times brighter.

That’s a serious amount of energy.

The star itself is apparently visible to the naked eye, and even clearer through binoculars.

The atmosphere of the exoplanet HR 8799b contains water, methane and carbon monoxide, which contradicts previous theories on atmospheric composition.

Jupiter is the biggest planet in out solar system but the gas-giant HR 8799b has a mass which is seven-times larger than Jupiter’s, and its radius is one-third larger.

IMAGE: Jupiter – ‘the gas giant.’

Last week, we covered the discovery of a potential Super-Earth and a new equation that suggests the universe is eternal; rendering the big bang theory useless. Although there are many things to be discovered in the universe, we also learning new things about our own planet. A jawbone from a skeleton was just found in Ethiopia that extends human history back a further 400,000 years further than previously thought.

What will be discovered next?

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Giant exoplanet 129 light yrs away has water, carbon monoxide in atmosphere – study


Water, methane and carbon monoxide have been detected in the atmosphere of exoplanet HR 8799 b, the structure of which surprised scientists when it was discovered a few years ago, as its parameters contradicted all previous theories.

The discovery across the K band was made by US and Canadian scientists. Most of the absorption lines found were produced by carbon monoxide and water, but several of the detected lines were from methane.

HR 8799 b is one of four so-called ‘gas giants’ which orbit the star HR 8799, located 129 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Pegasus. It is approximately 1.5 times the size of the sun and about five times brighter…

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