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Russia Warns World: Do NOT Arm Kiev

21st Century Wire says…

You had better believe the Russians are serious about this.

Alexei Pushkov’s warning should be heeded.

Top Russian MP Alexei Pushkov has said that any attempt to arm Kiev has the potential to “expand the war and turn it into a real threat to the whole European security system”. Spokesman for Putin Dmitry Peskov said the move would be “aimed at destabilising the situation in Ukraine” even further. This would be an escalation that would prove to be completely unacceptable to the Russians, and would be best avoided.

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Ukraine crisis: ‘Don’t arm Kiev’ Russia warns US


A close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin has told the European Parliament that “all-out war” could result if the US supplies arms to the Ukrainian government in Kiev.

Alexei Pushkov, a leading Russian MP, was addressing about 100 MEPs in the parliament’s foreign affairs committee.

He was speaking after President Barack Obama said he had not ruled out sending arms to Kiev if diplomacy failed.

The option of lethal defensive weapons was being examined, Mr Obama said.

Mr Pushkov, who is on the US sanctions blacklist, warned that American weapons could “expand the war and turn it into a real threat to the whole European security system”, Tass news agency quoted him as saying…

Continue reading the full story on BBC

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