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International Criminal Court Opens ‘War Crimes’ Inquiry Into Israel

21st Century Wire says…

For decades, Israel has never faced any international oversight, or recognized any international laws or UN resolutions regarding its illegal and violent occupation in Palestine.

This week, a prosecutor of the International Criminal Court launched a preliminary probe which could help towards opening a full-scale investigation into possible war crimes in Palestinian territories.

Writer Ali Albunimah explains, “When your land has been occupied by a foreign army as long as your children have been alive, and this occupying army regularly brutalises and humiliates the friends and relatives of these children, stopping kids from confronting the invaders is naturally going to be very difficult. Convincing the Israeli adults in control of this weaponry in civilian areas that they should not be using it to kill children who are merely stone throwers should not be difficult. The statistics sadly tell a different story, of a deep-rooted Israeli contempt for the lives of Palestinian children that should inspire Western outrage.”

The International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, Netherlands, is trying to do something to address the decades of injustice at the hands of the Israel Occupation, but in response, Israeli diplomats are actively lobbying member states of the ICC to “cut funding for the tribunal” in response to the court’s inquiry into numerous war crimes and human rights abuses by Israel in the Palestinian territories.

Not surprisingly, Israel’s bolshy leader Benjamin Netanyahu was expecting a free pass because of the Charlie Hebdo operation carried out in Paris, but unfortunately, the prosecutor did not get the memo.

Netanyahu threw the predictable tantrum, claiming that this past summer’s slaughter of nearly 2,500 Palestinians was in retaliation for ‘Hamas rockets’ which only killed 3 Israeli civilians. He rants, “It is scandalous that just a few days after terrorists slaughtered Jews in France, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court opens a probe against the state of Israel because we protected our citizens against Hamas…”

SLAUGHTER: Palestinians are being killed en mass under military occupation by Israel.

Needless to say, Netanyahu is not taking the news well and stated that Israel will not be cooperating, screaming this week:

“It is scandalous that just a few days after terrorists slaughtered Jews in France, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court opens a probe against the state of Israel because we protected our citizens against Hamas, a terror organization that is in a covenant with the Palestinian Authority, and whose war criminals fired thousands of rockets at civilians in Israel.”

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