Screen Shot 2014-07-29 at 1.57.24 PMLast week, I highlighted a series of billboards and painted benches that sprung up overnight in Hollywood as Obama prepared to host a $32,000 a plate fundraiser at the home of Scandal creator Shonda Rhimes.

Naturally, this was merely stop number one on Obama’s oligarch groveling traveling circus.  The next stop on the crony train is another $32,000 a plate fundraiser. This time with none other than Nancy Pelosi.

Fortunately for us, California’s ever creative street artists were right there… waiting for him.

This is what they delivered:

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 IMAGE: iSnoop; Barrack Obama has help to create America’s digital Stasi culture (above).

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Now for my personal favorite, a mock invitation to Versailles on the left coast:

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READ MORE OBAMA DEBACLES AT: 21st Century Wire Obama Files