21st Century Wire says…
It’s little wonder that Barack Hussein Obama has a lower approval rating as George Bush Jr, thus putting his legacy in contention with some of history’s worst US Presidents.
As Rome burns and wars are being waged halfway around the globe in the name of working Americans, Obama only has time to raise money for his party, courting the bold and the beautiful (and wealthy) residents of California this week. If only Caligula were here to witness and revel in the farce that has become the once great Republic of the United States:
Tiberius: Serve the state, Caligula, though the people in it are wicked beasts.
Caligula: But they love you, lord.
Tiberius: Oh, no… they FEAR me… and that is much better.
Alas, nothing learned in six years.
Just keep feeding the campaign coffers…
Silicon Valley Artist Strikes at the Heart of Obama’s Oligarch Infatuation – “A Feast in Time of Plague”
Last week, I highlighted a series of billboards and painted benches that sprung up overnight in Hollywood as Obama prepared to host a $32,000 a plate fundraiser at the home of Scandal creator Shonda Rhimes.
Naturally, this was merely stop number one on Obama’s oligarch groveling traveling circus. The next stop on the crony train is another $32,000 a plate fundraiser. This time with none other than Nancy Pelosi.
Fortunately for us, California’s ever creative street artists were right there… waiting for him.
This is what they delivered:
IMAGE: iSnoop; Barrack Obama has help to create America’s digital Stasi culture (above).
Now for my personal favorite, a mock invitation to Versailles on the left coast:
READ MORE OBAMA DEBACLES AT: 21st Century Wire Obama Files