21st Century Wire
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy took to the podium at this morning’s press conference at the Bundy Ranch expecting a media race storm, and that’s exactly what happened.
For the family patriarch, it was baptism by fire into the unforgiving world of public relations. Press appeared somewhat shocked, as Bundy stood up and took the media punches for 25 minutes, and somehow managed to use the media’s race inquisition as an opportunity to articulate his own emotions, and his personal views on America’s failing socialized state and the need for more freedom and liberty – and not a racist in sight.
It was clear from the onset that many of the press who were present were there looking for controversy not related to the previous weeks armed federal occupation and forced animal slaughter. Instead media were fixated on Bundy’s previously reported racial comments, hoping that Bundy would say something outrageous. Only he didn’t.
A few members of the press could be seen storming out towards the end of the conference (see full video below), almost as if they were cheated by Bundy’s surprisingly insightful and socially relevant remarks.
Last weekend, the New York Times had gathered a statement from Cliven Bundy, but intentionally held it back until last night as part of the White House’s plan to submerge today’s scheduled press announcement of legal action against members of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). And it worked. The shrewd PR move gave Washington a brief stay of execution, as the media carry on their feeding frenzy over Bundy’s alleged ‘racist remarks’ and him using the word “negro”. It seems that the NYT intentionally framed smaller excerpts taken from a much longer discussion with Cliven Bundy in order to claim that Bundy had somehow had ‘endorsed slavery’.
The story then cascaded across national media, most of whom re-spun the story to claim that Cliven Bundy was somehow ‘advocating slavery’. The controversy sent politicians and other media personalities who had previously supported Bundy – all running for cover.
Race Hoax Exposed
Critics cite how the New York Times had, in fact, taken Bundy’s comments last week out of context and cynically took advantage of his provincial vocabulary, spinning it against him, willfully ignoring the actual meaning of his statement. A pro-federal government media bias combined with a left-wing blood lust to crucify the embattled rancher prompted mainstream media outlets to completely flip the meaning, so as to demonize him in a politically correct court of public opinion.
As it turns out, Bundy’s speech was cleverly twisted by a left-wing outlet Media Matters, in concert with the New York Times.
According to media watchdog Pat Dollard:
Read more at http://patdollard.com/2014/04/shock-hoax-exposed-full-clip-of-cliven-bundys-non-racist-pro-black-anti-government-remarks-vs-media-matters-deceptively-edited-hoax-version-see-that-cliven-bundy-is-actually-an-advocat/#ojwAWOgo2W6GDkUp.99
Read more at http://patdollard.com/2014/04/shock-hoax-exposed-full-clip-of-cliven-bundys-non-racist-pro-black-anti-government-remarks-vs-media-matters-deceptively-edited-hoax-version-see-that-cliven-bundy-is-actually-an-advocat/#ojwAWOgo2W6GDkUp.99
Read more at http://patdollard.com/2014/04/shock-hoax-exposed-full-clip-of-cliven-bundys-non-racist-pro-black-anti-government-remarks-vs-media-matters-deceptively-edited-hoax-version-see-that-cliven-bundy-is-actually-an-advocat/#ojwAWOgo2W6GDkUp.99
“It is 100% clear that Cliven Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton, but that the Federal government has created conditions for them so terrible, that their current situation may actually be worse.”
Not surprisingly, all of the press and media presently engrossed in the Bundy gang-tackle were no where to be found two weeks ago when 200 armed paramilitary federal agents had their guns, tasers, dogs, and sniper rifles, all trained on the ranch’s unarmed residents – including women.
Unabashed, Bundy used the media opportunity to clarify the statement which was spun by the New York Times. He explained, “I didn’t say they’d be better off as slaves… I didn’t say that, I said I said I was wondering“.
Bundy explained, “I’m a wondering, are (blacks) better off with their young woman aborting their children? Are they better off with their young men in prison? Are they better off on the sidewalk in front of their government issued house?”
Onlookers were not expecting Bundy’s recounting of his experience in Los Angeles during the 1965 Watts Riots, telling the story of how a black residents had escorted him 20 miles to safety in one of the worst hit areas of LA. “It took me 40 years to realize it, but those people were my angels, they protected me”.
“What I’m really excited about is the fact that our Constitution was formed so all of us people could have some liberty and freedom – and be able to exercise our Conscience“.
On the false media charge that Cliven was somehow endorsing slavery, he explained, “I might not have a very big word base or vocabulary, but let me tell you something… I understand what slavery is all about and there is no question in my mind that I don’t know what slavery is about. Slavery is about when you take away choices for people, and when you have forced labor and transfer people and sell them.”
Bundy added, “If you think that’s what I’m all about, then you’re wrong. I don’t believe in any of that.”
“I’m not just talking to you the media here, I’m talking to America, and I’m talking to the world. What I want to see the world have is that individual freedom and liberty to be able to express themselves. That’s what America is all about.”
What wasn’t covered at the conference were some serious legal questions regarding the behavior of the federal government, including:
Was Sheriff Douglas Gillespie grossly negligent or at least negligent in a reckless way during the Bundy Ranch standoff April 12th? Was Sheriff Douglas Gillespie in violation of his oath of office?
Was the BLM grossly negligent or at least negligent in a reckless way during the time leading up to, as well as during the Bundy Ranch standoff April 12th, and did the special agent in charge inform Sheriff Gillespie that the BLM was going to “stand down”?
Did the BLM evade and impede a law enforcement investigation initiated by the local residents of Bunkerville, when they had reason to believe that the BLM was killing cattle and maliciously destroying private property owned by the Bundy Family (two crimes which were later found to have taken place)?
Did any BLM agents personally benefit from issuing no-bid contracts to Utah cattlemen who were hired by the BLM?
Is the BLM a private corporation, or a government agency? If the BLM is a privately held organization, do they have the power of arrest, or the authority to use deadly force against peaceful American citizens?
Should Harry Reid and his son Rory be investigated and tried under the Racketeering Influenced and Corruptions Act (RICO)? Are the threats from Harry Reid and his son related to their possible attempts to profit from removing the Bundys from their land?
Important questions indeed – arguable much more important than the ensuing race-baiting sideshow which has since overtaken to the saga at the Bundy Ranch.
Watch the full press Conference in full, recorded LIVE on the GMN stream:
READ THE BUNDY STORY AT: 21st Century Wire Bundy Files