21st Century Wire says…
It is incredible in 2013, that there are still academics and other political hacks who insist on linking any large weather event with ‘energy policy’ as it relates to anthropogenic global warming.
Warming up the room: Climatist fanatic Jeffrey Sachs.
For academics whose funding fortunes are tied to this pseudo-science of relativity, the need keeping the argument alive evokes deep survival instincts, and outright fanaticism in some cases.
Jeffrey Sachs is head of Columbia University’s Earth Institute. He appeared on TV yesterday insinuating that the west’s burning of fossil fuels is to blame for Typhoon Haiyan which devastated the Philippines this past week. Sachs claims, “We’re causing this because there are more and more of these storms, because of the way that humanity is changing the world’s environment.”
A pretty obscene statement by anyone’s standards, and of course, with zero evidence to back it up, other than the preacher’s “faith” in his subscribed Victorian science/religious dogma.
Yes, we know that might seem like a bit of stretch, even for an Ivy League academic, but isn’t interesting how the same pundits who have literally built their careers off the back of the idea that man-made CO2 is somehow heating up the Earth’s atmosphere – even after UN IPCC were exposed for fraudulently manipulating climate data to support their pre-packaged thesis?
Fanatical climate alarmism is still as big business, but the good news is that that cult’s membership is in rapid decline…
Soros Crony: Current Energy Policies ‘Partly Caused’ Typhoon
Mike Ciandella
More typhoons will happen unless liberal energy policies are adopted, and those who disagree have “blood on their hands” – at least according to climate alarmist Jeffrey Sachs.
Sachs, a friend of liberal billionaire George Soros and head of The Earth Institute at Columbia University and a favorite of the news media, appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Nov. 12 to discuss the recent tragedy caused by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.
“What’s happening here, and this is the part that people have a hard time, you know, coming to grips with, is that we’re partly causing this,” Sachs said. “We’re causing this because there are more and more of these storms, because of the way that humanity is changing the world’s environment.”
Sach’s referenced an unnamed study that said that inclement weather was getting worse over time. “I brought along from 2008 a scientific study showing that the number of extreme storms or – not the frequency, but the power of them has been rising decade by decade, as the ocean water is warming And so this kind of event, we’re seeing more of it.”
Sachs’ claim was right out of the global warming activist playbook for any sort of natural disaster. However, he ignored the Atlantic hurricane season forecasts’ “bust” in 2013. In fact, so far 2013 has been only two storms away from going the entire season without a single hurricane.
Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons all fall in the category of tropical cyclones according to Time. Time’s Bryan Walsh in a piece advocating for reductions in greenhouse gase emissions admitted that the IPCC’s latest report had “low confidence” there would be more intense tropical cyclones in coming decades. He also wrote, “if existing climate change played a role in supercharging Haiyan, it’s likely tiny, as NASA climatologist Bill Patzert told the Pasadena Star-News: The fingerprint is very small, if at all. If the winds are 200 mph, global warming might have contributed 5 mph to that 200 mph.”
Despite what Sachs and the media have claimed about climate change not all scientists are of the same viewpoint. More than 1,000 scientists are on record dissenting in some way from the so-called “consensus.” U.S. government atmospheric scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has said, “It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic [manmade] global warming.” Other scientists disagree about the extent of man’s influence on climate or over how threatening that is to the planet.
According to Sachs, those who oppose changing the way our nation uses energy are to blame for these kinds of disasters. “This kind of event will happen more frequently unless we change the way we run our energy system. This is what humanity is doing. This is very, very hard to come to grips with,” Sachs said.
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