21st Century Wire says…
Undoubtedly, she is America’s greatest living musical entertainer…
Known these days as “The Queen of Soul”, singer Tina Turner, has opted out of the American Dream for good it seems…
The 74 year old Turner who lives near Zurich and speaks fluent German now, took her oath of Swiss nationality this past summer, and says that she had ‘no plans to return to live in the U.S.’ anymore…
Al Kamen
Washington Post
This item just in via an “activity report” from the U.S. Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, headlined “Soul Legend Relinquishes U.S. Citizenship.”
“Long-time Swiss resident Tina Turner” was in the embassy Oct. 24 to sign her “Statement of Voluntary Relinquishment of U.S. Citizenship under Section 349 (a)(1) of the INA” — the Immigration and Naturalization Act.
Turner, who turns 74 in a couple of weeks, retired from the concert stage in 2009. She had an abusive 14-year marriage to Ike Turner (they divorced in 1976), with whom she recorded Jessie Hill’s classic “Ooh Poo Pah Doo” and John Fogerty’s “Proud Mary.”
Turner has lived in Switzerland for nearly two decades and is fluent in German. In July she married her boyfriend of 27 years, German music producer Erwin Bach (unclear whether he’s related to Johann Sebastian). Turner had taken the oath of Swiss nationality on April 10. Turner, the report said, declared that she no longer has any strong ties to the United States “except for family, and has no plans to reside in the United States in the future.”
The key word in the embassy report apparently is the term “relinquishment.” That means, a knowledgeable source told us, that she did not “formally renounce her U.S. citizenship under 349(a)(5) Immigration and Nationality Act, but took Swiss citizenship with the intent to lose her U.S. citizenship.” As opposed to formal renunciation — a much more complex process, we were told — there are no “tax or other penalties for loss of citizenship in this fashion.”
Continue this story at Washington Post
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