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D.C. Trucker Shutdown Full-Speed Ahead: ‘Demands Obama be removed from office’

21st Century Wire says…

While America’s ruling party were holidaying in the Caribbean, and while the First Family are hard at work enjoying back-to-back vacations in Africa (at a cost of $100 million) and Martha’s Vineyard, and afterwards, as the President and his yes men were busy obsessing with starting a third world war in Syria – America’s economy, along with the federal government’s outrageous budget deficit – has been festering like Gangrene.

The situation has hit a fever pitch today, as the U.S. government has begun to shut down for the first time in 17 years after a Congress bitterly divided over the funding Obamacare. Critics believe that this staged shutdown is mere Punch-n-Judy, in order to conceal and sneak in other shocking legislation through the back door.

America is in deep trouble it seems, but not because of the electorate. The problem is fundamental: rather than working on behalf of working Americans, the ruling elite in Washington DC bury the reality of the federal government’s failures, as well as a list of scandals too long to list – under a pile fabricated PR statements and lies designed to avoid facing up to the facts.

Thousands of American truckers are taking the issue a notch higher – by organising a full-court press on Washington DC and demanding an end to the Obama’s White House’s trampling and dismantling of the US Constitution, and demanding his removal from office.

Here is the latest on this breaking story from US News & World Report…

Steve Nelson
US News & World Report

There may or may not be a government shutdown in October, but truckers are heading toward Washington, D.C., regardless, aiming to shut the city down themselves.

“The shutdown is actually a traffic jam,” former country music star and event organizer Zeeda Andrews told U.S. News. “This is a three-day traffic jam.”

Andrews, a former spokesmodel for Mack Trucks, says around 3,000 truckers are planning to zoom through and around Washington, D.C., beginning Oct. 11.

There are two distinct issues at hand. The first is a range of frustrations experienced by independent truck drivers not employed by a large company or affiliated with a union.

But the truckers are also targeting President Barack Obama and the nation’s political leadership. A list of demands addressing “corruption against our Constitution” will be delivered to lawmakers before the ride, Andrews said, and lawmakers can spare D.C.-area residents the traffic jam if they agree to them.

The hitch: one of those demands is that Obama be removed from office, a request the organizers find perfectly reasonable. Obama committed treason by allegedly funneling weapons from Benghazi, Libya, to al-Qaida-linked Syrian rebels, said online radio host Peter Santilli, who is heading up a parallel protest in California.

“Originally the sheer symbolism of the truckers riding into Washington, D.C., was powerful and a great photo opportunity, but this thing has further evolved,” Santilli said.

The organizers are also upset by a 2012 provision in the National Defense Authorization Act, which authorizes the president to indefinitely detain Americans without trial, and Obama’s health care reform law.

Since advertising the ride on social media, Andrews said, interest has exploded.

“Obama said last week it’s my way or the highway, and the people are choosing the highway,” she said. “It’s viral, it’s like a fire, it’s burning out of control [and] people really want to help because their issues are the same as the truckers are having. … All Americans and all truckers agree on one thing: Barack Obama is a threat to American safety.”

A movement of highway overpass-decorating activists seeking Obama’s impeachment will cheer on the truckers, Santilli said, and some truckers are also planning to meet in state capitals.

“The days of the Million Man March are over, because people can’t afford to go to D.C.,” he said, “[but] the truckers are already out on the road, they’re on the streets.”

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