21st Century Wire says…
Get ready for a flood of mud-slinging in Washington over the next ten days, as President Obama and Nancy Pelosi fight to preserve a political legacy currently crumbling.
As the last few weeks have proved, Obama and his GOP friend John McCain firmly believe there is plenty of money for sending weapons to terrorist groups fighting to overthrow the government in Syria. This type of excess will naturally come back to haunt Obama, in particular.
On the heels of a diplomatic humiliation over the Syria debacle, it seems that things are not getting any easier for the embattled Commander-and-Chief this week.
Obama’s latest outburst accusing Congress of “trying to mess with me”, and using the term “deadbeat nation” three times in his speech – marks another low-point in White House history, perhaps a product of extreme political narcissism.
Surprise, surprise – the federal government machine is running out of money to build its top-down command-and-control pyramid in America…
This just in from the Washington Post:
The House passed a short-term spending plan Friday morning that would continue funding government operations through mid-December and withhold funding for President Obama’s signature health-care law, the opening salvo in what promises to be a contentious 10 days of debate on Capitol Hill over extending government operations by only three months.
The legislation would fund federal agencies at an annualized rate of more than $986 billion but would also leave in place automatic spending cuts known as sequestration, set to take effect in January. It would include language to prohibit any funding going to implementing the health-care law and, additionally, authorize the Treasury to pay some bills and not others in the event that no deal is reached in October on increasing the debt limit…”
Lori Montgomery and Philip Rucker
Washington Post
House Republicans rallied behind their right wing Friday to launch a full-scale assault on President Obama’s health-care initiative, setting up a protracted confrontation with Democrats that risks shutting down the government in just 10 days.
On a vote of 230 to 189, the House approved and sent to the Senate a plan to fund federal agencies past Sept. 30, but also to strip funding from the Affordable Care Act, the president’s most significant legislative achievement.
“We had a victory today for the American people, and frankly, we also had a victory for common sense,” Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) said, surrounded by more than 200 cheering lawmakers at a news conference at the Capitol.
“Our message to the United States Senate is real simple: The American people don’t want the government shut down and they don’t want Obamacare.”
Friday’s vote was Step One in the GOP crusade to undermine the health law. Step Two comes next week, when House leaders hope to advance a separate measure that will demand a one-year delay in the law’s implementation in exchange for an agreement to avoid a first-ever default on the nation’s debts sometime next month.
Obama responded with an uncharacteristically angry speech in which he accused Republicans of “trying to mess with me” and “holding the economy hostage.”
“They’re focused on politics. They’re focused on trying to mess with me. They’re not focused on you,” he told a friendly crowd of about 1,000 autoworkers and their families at a truck manufacturing plant on the outskirts of Kansas City, Mo.
Three times, Obama used the phrase “deadbeat nation” to condemn Republican brinkmanship on the debt limit…