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Tipping Point: Obama’s Approaching Political Implosion


With a failed Presidency, Barack Obama is on the verge of becoming a perpetual buffoon in a skit on Saturday Night Live. Even with such public disdain, the destructive policies of the rogue government merrily continue. The bipartisan cabal class of careerists operate as if they are permanently immune from public outrage.

Up to now, they are correct. The Tea Party was hijacked and went dormant, the bulk of the anti-war opposition is AWOL and the government trolls within the occupied movement are now interning at Goldman Sachs. As for the throngs of Obama cult worshipers, who continue to place their faith in state decency and righteousness, are still on a pilgrimage to cash their loyalty checks. Yet, something has changed, but is it too late?

The staff at PJ Media, who bills themselves as “Voices from a free America”, compiled The Complete List of Barack Obama’s Scandals, Misdeeds, Crimes and Blunders. Whether you agree or object to their selection, it is very difficult to defend such a record. Oh, maybe for the likes of Obama groupie turned CNN crossfire media whore, Stephanie Cutter, it is just another day at the office. Just what-you-goanna-do; when your hero breaks the law and betrays the trust of the country?

For the true believer fold who remains correct to the doctrine, just deny and lie. The international humiliation that Obama self-inflicted upon himself over his retreat from a Rambo inspired Syria mission is a tipping point for the fools who once saw the man of mystery as a savior. As it turns out, he has more in common with Austin Powers than Col. Aaron Bank.Consistently Pat Buchanan provides the operative insight, as reported in Mediaite.com.

“Fox News analyst Pat Buchanan spoke to Off the Record host Greta van Susteren Wednesday night and praised Vladimir Putin’s op-ed in the New York Times as outstanding, pointing out that it was the Russian president, and not President Barack Obama, who was best speaking to American opinion on Syria.

“I read it twice,” Buchanan said, “and, candidly, it was an outstanding piece. Vladimir Putin made a better case against U.S. strikes in Syria than the President of the United States did last night…He is reaching out to the anti-war community in the United States, the anti-interventionist community on Syria, which, as we know, recently, is probably around 60, 70, 80% of the American people. And he’s doing it in an op-ed, and I think it’s very effective.”

“Frankly, in the last week, Vladimir Putin has looked like a statesman,” Buchanan said, contrasting Putin’s acumen with the “petty” behavior of Obama “stiffing” him at the G20.”

Inescapably, the military-industrial-security-spy complex just continues to prepare for the next opportunity to expand their asinine interventionist involvement. The proponents of the Zionist “Greater Israel” security project view the Middle East conflict, as the ultimate excuse to perfect and execute the domestic police state back in the homeland. In this case, the fatherland is the Disunited States that is rapidly resembling and adopting the Israeli model of oppression.

Barack Hussein Obama is a creation of elitist invention. His usefulness has reached an end for his masters. There is no doubt that the tremendous acceleration in the systematic dismantling of the remains of a constitutional republic, going on for the last quarter century, made great strides under Obama. However, the time has come for a real slowdown in the transition to the empire gulag if he remains as the spokesman in chief.

The reason is clear Obama has lost his effectiveness. Sure, he can make a chump out of Secretary of State John Kerry, but that is a natural reflex out of the windsurfer. The more important development is that he is losing the obedience within the military that usually blindly follow orders. Here is the real hope. A movement within the ranks of the junior officer corps to break with career advancement and stand up to the Generals is necessary. Refusing to deploy for another NWO expedition is the key for the implosion of the evil empire.

The GOP chicken hawks who demand that Syria must be neutralized are pathetic cowards. The entire NeoCon agenda is built upon a false and contrived war on terror. The Obama administration never attempted to change this destructive foreign policy. Proof positive, that he was the establishment choice, to deceive the public once again.

In order to understand better the planned collapse review a short list of Obama’s fiascos: List of Obama’s Failures.

“It’s hard to think of a president that has been more of an Epic Failure than President Obama. Even Carter is glad this guy came along, so at least he knows he is no longer the worst president ever.”

Is this an accident or is it more probable that these catastrophes are designed circumstances?

For the rest of Obama’s term, he will at best be a crippled conveyor of confusion. If the elites truly want to implode the remains of a functional economy and collapse any checks and balances institutions left in the system, having a caretaker President in charge would be delightful. In anticipation of a substitute replacement organism, the elites have the ideal fall guy in the man with no birth records. Who needs George W. Bush anymore? We got an improved idiot in Obama.

Four More Insane Years of Obama Lies illustrates facts that must be denied by the Obama toadies. “With the re-election of Barack Obama, the United States has officially become a banana republic. From a nation that produced patriots like Ronald Reagan and John Kennedy, we have knowingly selected the lowest common denominator as our commander-in-chief.”

Now if you are really up to the challenge a list of Obama’s documented lies so far with the most recent lies first, will make your day.

How long do lies work, even when told to a dumb downed public? Answer – probably as long as the spin deflects from the substance of the scandals and failures, while redirecting responsibility, using false flags diversions for the rapid decline in personal well-being from the masses.

Back to the effectiveness assessment, ultimately this is the standard that Obama is evaluated by from the perspective of the best long-term interests for the globalists that put him in office.

During this window of opportunity of a weaken POTUS, the great diversity of activist organizations and ideological opponents of a fascist state need to network and work towards applying maximum pressure on the plunderers of power.


Now is the time for serious grassroots activism. For those who see improved prospects and look to the 2014 Congressional and Senate elections, the time to recruit primary challengers is now. Those who are far more cynical and pragmatic about the way truth to power actually functions, should organize serious lobbying and pressure group strategies.

The odds of success may be long but the prospects of meaningful change are nil without active involvement. Acceptability of mass civil disobedience needs to go mainstream.

Implosion is not a “To Be or Not To Be” personal dilemma choice. It is a societal and existential reality. Even if the crippled system crawls along, the pattern of Totalitarian Collectivism goes on uninterrupted.

Seldom are the prospects of disrupting the establishment more promising than when a sitting President is backed down through the communal voice of disgusted citizens. Let us all hope that another insane foreign adventure has been derailed, but without continuous persistency, an averted attack on Syria may well be a temporary victory.

A botched Obama administration causes harm to everyone, except to the top-tier sociopaths that just accumulate more control and power. The toppling of their agenda and timetable can launch the tumbling of their best-laid plans.

Engaging a pro Obama supporter in discourse much less serious dialogue is a painful experience. Their denial is their badge of identity. Our synergism of commonality should emphasis a non-intervention foreign policy, a vigorous pro civil liberty defense and fundamental revamping of the debt created money, legal tender, financial banksters fraudulent system.

These three areas of mutual benefit are strategic and indispensable in developing a massive re-alignment of the body politic. Resisting the trap of “gotye politics” is a difficult task for political junkies. However, the practice of divide and conquer, has persisted far too long, and is a major impediment for true representative government based upon natural rights and democratic principles.

The prospects of the next three plus years can become a battlefield for a historic confrontation with the old regime. The Old Right needs to become the new home for frustrated patriots as well as disgruntled Obama boosters. Is it not time to build upon the retreat of incompetent government with a positive initiative?

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