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Irish MP: Outs Obama As A ‘War Criminal’ For Sending Arms To Syria

21st Century Wire says…Irish MP Clare Daly vehemently slammed media and members of the parliament, for their “sycophantic fawning” over U.S. President Barack Obama during the June G8 summit held in Northern Ireland.

The MP, pointedly shamed the Obama administration with a brutal honesty that is rarely seen in the political arena, raising important questions in regards to the U.S backed rebels in Syria. In what was a passionate plea at a recent parliamentary session, Daly asked if Obama was going for “the hypocrite of the century award?” The MP then reminded the Irish government to take serious action, ensuring “no weapons go through Shannon (airport) to Syria in breach of international laws… 

In jaw dropping fashion, Daly continued her tirade against the U.S. president stating: By any serious examination this man (Obama) is a war criminal.” Is the truth starting to unravel, despite attempts to seduce the public over the Snowden saga? The mask appears to be slipping, as cloaked bankers continue to manipulate public perception on a bid for more oil, even if it means decrying a puppet leader that they put in power.

We live in the world of the “corporate elect” hoping for a different outcome with each new cult figure. 

From time to time we do see life unscripted, raw and without reservation. This was the case with MP Clare Daly, who had the courage to speak her mind about the ills of society without a filter.

In the words of MP Daly: “I think it’s important to take this opportunity to bring a bit of balance into the discussions.”



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