Twyla Roscovich
Dissident Voice
The documentary Salmon Confidential lays bare a massive ongoing cover-up over the effects of disease-bearing salmon farming operations in British Columbia, Canada that are imperiling the wild salmon populations.
Disinformation has long been a plank in the salmon-farming industry. First Nations, commercial fishers, recreational fishers, environment lovers, consumers of healthful fish (meaning nature’s omega 3 fatty acid-rich wild salmon and not the vegetable-fed omega 3 fatty acid deficient, toxin-loaded, emamectin benzoate-treated, chemically colored, virally infected, genetically modified Frankenfish from corporate salmon pens) and the public are the losers and Norwegian multinationals are the winners. The Canadian and BC governments are complicit with corporations in the cover-up. [DV editor].
The film follows biologist Alex Morton as she unravels the mysteries of BC’s declining salmon stocks using some of the world’s top fish labs. What she uncovers will surprise anyone who cares about our fish and all that depends on them. This 70-minute film documents Morton’s journey as she attempts to overcome roadblocks thrown up by government agencies and bring critical information to the public in time to save BC’s wild salmon.